Marmot has been creating outdoor gear since 1971 to inspire individuality, exploration, and adventure. Our products are designed to help people express themselves and break free from routine. Our belief is that everyone has a natural urge to experience the great outdoors.
Super Packable - When the rain lets up, the jacket conveniently stuffs into its own pocket, making it a no-nonsense essential perfect to carry in a kid's backpack or store in the trunk for when needed
Stay Comfortable and Dry - Designed for adventure even in rain, the Marmot Kid's PreCip Eco Jacket is durable and designed with fully waterproof and breathable PFC-free DWR Marmot NanoPro nylon ripstop fabric with fully sealed seams - perfect rain jacket for kids on hikes, field trips, family camping vacations, or just to add to your best backpacking gear
Customized Fit - Adjustable Velcro closure cuffs and drawcord adjustable hem help seal out drafts, while adjustable hood rolls into collar when not needed